Remote measurements

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About GPIB

Below you find some interesting links to various sites related to GPIB and remote measuring including links to professional equipment manufacturers, but also home brewers.

GPIB Tutorial From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is GPIB  INES Test and Measurement GmbH & Co. KG
GPIB Interfaces Nice overview From KO4BB's, France
NI PCI-GPIB GBIP Interface card for Windows 2000/XP from National Instruments
NI-488.2 for Windows GPIB 488.2 controller software from National Instruments
NI GPIB Driver versions GPIB driver versions overview from National Instruments
GPIB-PCI-XL PCI GPIB controller from Ines
GPIB Commander Interactive utility from Ariya Hidayat/Berlios
RemoteControl V3.0 GPIB Scripting and Configuration utility from Aphena Ltd
GPIB Toolkit HP 8566/7/8,HP 8560A/E, HP 8590, etc.., free Windows utilities,from John Miles KE5FX
HP59307A, HP8656 RxControl Software from B.VELLE/France
HP3585B, HP8569B Linux based Control and Capture software from John Ackermann
HP856x, HP8656A/B etc. NI-GPIB (XP) Stuff, from Lance Lascari
EZGPIB Prologix GPIB/USB interface based data acquistion from Ulric Bangert
FreeCal GPIB Instrument Automation for Metrology Test and Measurement (.NET suite) from R. Scott